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Hatewatch Headlines 8/4/2017

Trump rewards angry whites who elected him; Hate groups’ junk research used to push immigration bill; Florida cities not reporting hate crimes; and more.

: Resentful white people propelled Trump to the White House — and he is rewarding their loyalty.

: The White House is relying on hate groups and their junk research to defend the RAISE Act.

: Trump makes good on promises to extreme anti-immigrants groups with his proposal.

: Stephen Miller’s strange insult of a reporter is very familiar to white supremacists.

: White supremacists love the 'legal' immigration bill Trump just endorsed.

: Even as hate crimes wash over Florida, many cities still fail to report them.

: For the new far right, YouTube has become the new talk radio.

: GOP candidate Catherine Templeton's 'proud of the Confederacy' remarks stir controversy

: Prosecutors seeking ballistics evidence in case against FBI agent involved in Finicum shooting.

: Lessons from a survivalist summit, or how America’s fears are killing it from within.

: ‘Unit Cohesion’ isn’t a real reason to ban trans people from the military.

: Samantha Bee skewers Kris Kobach with cutting musical parody.

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