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Hatewatch Headlines 7/13/17

In-depth look at hate crimes and how little we know; Putin cultivates religious-right ties for Trump; `New Black Panthers' alarmist now on vote commission; and more.

: What we know – and don’t know – about hate crimes in America.

: We need to hear FBI nominee Christopher Wray’s view on the hate-crime epidemic.

: Hate-filled Brooklyn attackers spew slurs at interracial couple, threaten to lynch boyfriend.

: The alliance between Putin’s regime and the American religious right grows with Trump troubles.

: Trump appoints activist who spread alarmist ‘New Black Panther’ tales to sham elections commission.

: Fox’s Tucker Carlson freaks out as guest compares him to Nazi apologists.

: Bryan Fischer complains that schools teach too much about slavery, too little about how Christianity ended it.

: White nationalist and ex-mayoral candidate convicted of making terrorist threats.

: GOP lawmakers propose anti-Muslim bill authored by known white supremacist.

: Sons of Confederate Veterans raises flag on 85-foot pole near Newton.

: Can Richmond, VA, avoid public rows over its Confederate monuments?

: Three teens charged with vandalizing restaurant with ‘white power’ graffiti.

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