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Hatewatch Headlines 7/10/2017

Donald Trump as a teaching tool for white privilege; KKK drowned out by counterprotesters in Virginia; Facebook overlooks white extremists; and more.

: The state of hate in America.

: New York City is a lonely place to be young and black.

: Facebook’s tough-on-terror-talk overlooks white-extremists.

: How to improve reporting of hate crimes

: Alt-right figurehead and presidential advisor Steve Bannon is back in his boss’s good graces.

: Counterprotesters outnumbered Klan members 20-to-1 in a Charlottesville, Virginia, weekend rally.

: The anti-gay National Organization for Marriage promises to target Southern Poverty Law Center and the Human Rights Commission.

: Bad actors like neo-Nazi Andrew “weev” Auernheimerconflate doxing with journalism.

: Does exposure to Internet hate force your body into survival mode?

: An anti-transgender campaign fails for a second year in a row in the State of Washington.

: Trump supporter threatens Muslims with “billions of camel jockey-piercing rounds of ammo.”

: Donald Trump is the perfect teaching tool for White Privilege 101.

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