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Hatewatch Headlines 6/28/2017

Charity database staffers threatened over listing; Gettysburg may be site of battling protests; Spencer’s think tank broke Virginia nonprofit law; and more.

: Charity database stops linking anti-LGBT Christian non-profits to ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ hate list after staffers threatened.

: Gettysburg Battlefield will be site of protests, counter-protests involving alt-right and antifascists.

: Richard Spencer’s white nationalist think tank broke Virginia nonprofit law.

: White nationalists plan to hold conference in Tennessee mid-state park.

: These are the far-right fringe media characters Trump supposedly communicates with.

: In a first, Texas Boys State votes to secede from the Union.

: FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements during inquiry into LaVoy Finicum shooting.

: State Rep. Karl Oliver responds to lawsuit over his Facebook posts advocating lynching.

: Many Southern governors’ mansions have prison inmates in ‘modern-day slavery’ as workers.

: Trial under way for man who used social media to make white-supremacist threats, stalk targets.

: Report finds ACLJ’s Sekulow has steered millions from nonprofit to his family.

: White powder sent to Islamic center draws police hazmat team, but it’s found to be harmless.

: Michael Peroutka continues to stir controversy over his long ties to white-supremacist League of the South.

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