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Hatewatch Headlines 6/8/2017

Trump to address anti-LGBT leaders on day of march; Feds review militia role in Portland arrest; Alex Jones melts down after Kelly interview; and more.

: President Trump to address anti-LGBT leaders before Equality March in Washington.

: Accused Portland MAX killer yells ‘not guilty,’ and calls out surviving victim by name.

: Feds are reviewing right-wing militia member’s assistance with cops making arrest.

: Alt-right street gangs ramp up activity.

: Who is more of a threat, Islamist radicals or right-wing extremists?

: Ku Klux Klan wants to rally in Charlottesville, so college town is on edge again.

: Charlottesville bar responds to criticism for having served gathering of white nationalists.

: Alex Jones melts down after being interviewed by Megyn Kelly.

: Islamophobes want to recreate the Crusades, but they don’t understand them at all.

: In testimony, Betsy DeVos remains firm she won’t protect LGBT students from discrimination.

: David Whitney asks which is worse, terrorism or Ariana Grande’s promotion of Satanism.

: White-nationalist ‘Republic of Florida’ group targets Tallahassee for recruitment.

: Here’s the real history behind Arizona’s (mostly new) Confederate monuments.

: ‘Slaves built the U.S. the way cows built McDonald’s’ – and other historical ‘facts’ from Katie McHugh.

: Predominantly black church in South Carolina receives $2,000 donation, apology from donor who used to be ‘terrible racist.’

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