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Hatewatch Headlines 5/22/2017

Study finds right-wing terror a significant threat; New Orleans takes down its last Confederacy monument; Black congressman gets lynching threats; and more.

: Right-wing and radical Islamist terrorism in the U.S. are equally serious threats, ADL reports.

: New Orleans removes Robert E. Lee statue, the last of its monuments to the Confederacy.

: Trump supporters have built a document with the addresses and phone numbers of thousands of anti-Trump activists.

: Black congressman says he was threatened with lynching after calling for Trump impeachment.

: Random, racially motivated stabbing murder of Bowie State student investigated as hate crime.

: Extremist Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master’s thesis on homeland security.

: Alt-right trolls Chuck Johnson and Mike Cernovich launch websites aimed at harassing journalists.

: How Breitbart helped build a safe space for hateful snowflakes.

: Richard Spencer loses his gym membership after fellow member confronts him for his white nationalism.

: Trump’s immigration crackdown relies a controversial cell-phone tracking device.

: Feeling sidelined by mainstream social-media platforms, far-right users are making the jump to Gab.

: Montana congressional candidate Gianforte has close ties to extremist home-schooling pastor.

: How the skull of an Aryan Brotherhood member from Longview wound up in Oklahoma.

: Sikh hate-crime victim to attackers: ‘I still consider you my brothers.’

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