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Hatewatch Headlines 5/2/2017

Why the Japanese-American internment still matters; ‘Ex-gay’ conversion therapy ban upheld; Neo-Nazi crowdfunding campaign hits snag; and more.

: Why remembering the Japanese-American internment this year, on its 75th anniversary, really matters.

: Erasing shameful moments from our national histories is central to the white-populist playbook.

: Internet gremlin Chuck Johnson’s website becomes inaccessible during neo-Nazi anti-ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ crowdfund campaign.

: Supreme Court delivers fatal blow to ‘ex-gay conversion’ therapy in California.

: The philosophical fascists of the gay alt-right.

: Meet Julie Kirchner, the anti-immigrant crusader the Trump administration tapped to assist immigrants.

: Here’s what happens when the Trump White House gave an alt-right ‘troll’ access to the press room.

: The untold story of ‘Baked Alaska’, a rapper turned BuzzFeed personality turned alt-right troll.

: Richard Spencer tells W. Kamau Bell in awkward interview he wants to ‘bathe in white privilege.’

: Neo-Nazis and anti-fascist protesters leave Kentucky after Pikeville standoff.

: White nationalist Matthew Heimbach served with criminal charge from Trump event.

: End Times author Joel Richardson says people who protest Trump are really protesting God.

: CIS paradoxically seeks volunteer border guards as a way to counter vigilantes.

: Trump fan complains about anti-hate signs, and gets schooled by a seventh-grader.

: What happens when a fundamentalist church comes for your kids?

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