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Hatewatch Headlines 4/28/2017

Citizenship case disturbs high court justices; Neo-Nazis are trying to bait ‘antifa’; Tucker Carlson is the alt-right’s new media hero; and more.

: Supreme Court justices are alarmed by Trump administration’s hardline stance in citizenship case.

: Neo-Nazis are trying to bait leftist ‘antifa’ activists into violence – and to radicalize white people.

: Neo-Nazis are celebrating the ascension of Tucker Carlson, ‘a one-man gas chamber.’

: A punch in the face was only the beginning of the alt-right’s harassment of a Berkeley protester.

: A Montana woman’s lawsuit against a neo-Nazi’s ‘troll storm’ could change how to fight online harassment.

: Alex Jones directs his ire at ‘globalist Democrats’ Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

: Kentucky communities rally to counter planned white-nationalist rally in Pikeville.

: Dave Daubemire warns Christians to prepare for the arrival of ‘extra-dimensional beings’ and giant ‘cloudeaters.’

: Rep. Mike Enzi explains that his anti-LGBT remarks were really about ‘promoting respect.’

: Police investigate bomb threats that twice force evacuation of health-care center with abortion clinic.

: Students flyer campus statue to protest administration’s response to neo-Nazi hate speech.

: Phoenix-area Sikhs adopting a new PR strategy to combat rising hate crimes.

: The Hungarian rise and fall of Sebastian Gorka. 

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