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Hatewatch Headlines 4/11/2017

How the digital age has helped the rise of hate; ADF linked to bathroom bills around U.S.; Hateful memes attacking Kushner flood social media; and more.

: The rise of hate in the digital age.

: Anti-LGBT hate group Alliance Defending Freedom linked to anti-transgender bathroom bills across the nation.

: New reporting exposes ADF’s activities in suing Pennsylvania school district.

: Hateful memes and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories directed at Jared Kushner explode on social media.

: The coded language of the alt-right is helping to power its rise.

: John Tanton, the man who fueled the anti-immigration movement, is now largely forgotten.

: Alt-right and white-nationalist protesters lead tense march against Trump’s Syria airstrikes.

: Richard Spencer gets punched and glitter-bombed at alt-right protest.

: There’s racist, and then there’s racist, and then there’s this fundraising email for David Clarke.

: Prosecutors request start date of June 5 for second Bundy Ranch standoff trial.

: Minnesota Republicans accuse female legislator of racism because she called out white men.

: Orange County KKK leader William Ernest Hagen reported in trouble with the law again.

: Black man arrested, charged with hate crime in arson, vandalism at immigrant-owned shop.

: State police search for suspect in shooting with ‘white pride’ tattoos.

: Alt-right troll blamed for sparking chaos at Jacksonville anti-Trump war protest.

: Oildale man sentenced to 15 years in hate-crime conviction for threatening Latino family.

: No, Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson were not underwritten by Russia’s Putin administration.

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