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Hatewatch Headlines 3/29/2017

‘Scientific racism’ has been lurking for years; New York stabbing suspect was a Stormer reader; Man who intervened in Kansas shootings rewarded; and more.

: ‘Scientific racism’ is on the rise on the right, but it’s been lurking there for years.

: Prosecutors charge man with murder as an act of terrorism in New York stabbing.

: White-supremacist killer read notorious alt-right website The Daily Stormer.

: Indian-Americans reward man who intervened in hate-crime Kansas shooting.

: Government sends letters to private landholders along site of Mexico border wall about their lands.

: Police arrest Fort Collins man in hate-crime vandalization of mosque.

: New study finds white Americans are the biggest terrorism threat in America.

: Virginia Muslim family returns home to find hate message on wall: ‘We were in complete shock.’

: ‘White power’ slogan and swastikas cover Phoenix high school wall amid fresh wave of racist graffiti.

: Anti-abortion activists who secretly filmed Planned Parenthood charged with 15 felonies.

: Bloomington man attacks Somalian, slashes him with knife, bites him, says he ‘hates’ Muslims.

: Extremist Sheriff David Clarke is under a growing cloud over inmate deaths in his jails.

: What '60 Minutes’ didn’t mention about alt-right men’s rights activist Mike Cernovich.

: White gun owner shot himself, then tried to blame it on a nonexistent black man.

: Armed left-wingers counter Trump rally with protest at Arizona capitol.

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