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Hatewatch Headlines 3/24/2017

The far-right’s Ivy League pedigree; Concerns grow about immigration-agent abuse; Barton’s bizarre curriculum about to hit public schools; and more.

: Steve Bannon, Jared Taylor, and the radical right’s Ivy League pedigree.

: Report of sexual assault at border heightens concern about immigration-agent abuse.

: David Barton’s religion-flavored government curriculum is now ready to be used in public schools.

: U.S.-Israeli teen arrested in Israel in connection with Jewish-center bomb threats.

: Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin fears that stabbing of New York black man may lead to ‘unfair’ discrimination against white supremacists.

: Texas teen admits she made up hoax claims about rape, abduction by ‘three black males.’

: Many Montana legislators seem to be falling for a conspiracy theory about Muslims.

: A VFW post discovers it has been renting its hall to a white supremacist for years.

: Trump supporter’s husband, an Indiana restaurant owner and a ‘good person,’ is being deported.

: We must defeat ‘left-wing mythology that you can be multicultural and still be a single country.’

: New group ‘America for Americans’ is booking anti-Muslim law-enforcement trainings.

: Baltimore police investigating early-morning shooting of transgender woman.

: Energy Secretary Rick Perry complains after Texas A&M elects its first openly gay student-body president.

: Live-action anime film casts black actor, and alt-right critics go berserk.

: Do Jewish organizations need to ‘defund Islamophobia?’

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