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Hatewatch Headlines 12/15/2016

Alt-Right hates new ‘Star Wars’ flick; How sexism lures men into white supremacy; Israeli ambassador praises Gaffney; and more.

: The Alt-Right hates Rogue One because of course it does.

: How electronic ‘fashwave’ music made by neo-Nazis provides a soundtrack for the movement.

: How sexism lures men into white supremacy.

: Men’s rights activists are finding a new home with the Alt-Right.

: How mainstream conservatives’ obsession with purity fueled the new right-wing radicalism. 

: Pro-Trump Sheriff David Clarke calls for ‘pitchforks and torches’ against ‘subversive’ progressives.

: Israeli ambassador praises anti-Muslim hate-group leader Frank Gaffney at awards ceremony.

: Donald Trump’s new senior adviser, Stephen Miller, seen as an ally of white nationalists.

: Anti-Muslim hate group ACT for America brags about its influence inside the Trump White House.

: Students at all-white high school turn their backs on visiting all-black basketball team, display ‘Trump’ sign.

: Black Twitter hilariously trolls neo-Nazis trying to impersonate black people online.

: Los Angeles city attorney targets white-supremacist gang with forced evictions.

: KKK hood, Nazi drawings among items found in Dylann Roof’s bedroom, jurors shown.

: Vandals break into queer Southeast Asian youth center in Rhode Island and string up a noose.

: Man invades church and launches into anti-LGBT rant, saying Trump’s win gave him permission.

: Man with Aryan Brotherhood gang ties added to Texas 10 Most Wanted list.

: The dark history of how ‘both sides do it’ false-balance journalism enabled lynching.

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