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Hatewatch Headlines 12/8/2016

What you need to know about white nationalism; Dylann Roof’s trial opens; Jones keeps pushing ‘Pizzagate’ theories; and more.

: Everything you were afraid to ask about white nationalism’s new place in American politics.

: Breaking down white nationalists’ rhetoric reveals their deeply supremacist ideas.

: Heart-rending testimony from eyewitness to slaughter open Dylann Roof’s trial in Charleston.

: Trump campaign admits pizza-sex-conspiracy weirdo was involved in transition.

: Radio conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claims the ear of Trump, and pushes ‘Pizzagate’ fictions.

: ‘Pizzagate’: From rumor, to hashtag, to gunfire in D.C.

: Comet Ping Pong gunman answers our reporter’s questions.

: Did Jeff Sessions really champion desegregation? His real-life record is remarkably thin in that regard.

: How an Islamophobic smear trickled down from Fox Business News to hit one family in Alaska.

: Three Malheur refuge occupiers claim to be on terrorism watch list, and evidence suggests it’s true.

: OC Klan Grand Dragon William Ernest Hagen held in North Carolina stabbing of fellow Klansman.

: Hundreds of students protest appearance at Texas A&M by white nationalist Richard Spencer.

: Sandy Hook ‘truther’ arrested in Florida for making threats against the father of slain boy.

: In diverse California, young white supremacist Nathan Damigo seeks college-age recruits.

: Iowa radio host Steve Deace calls for ‘D-Day-like’ ‘cleansing’ to stop the ‘Rainbow Jihad’ that wants ‘to kill us.’

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