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Hatewatch Headlines 10/27/2016

‘Citizen journalists’ plan to hit polls for Trump; Indiana blocking 45,000 black voters; Hate groups on rise in Florida; and more.

: Trump supporters reveal script for ‘citizen journalists’ to intimidate voters at the polls.

: Indiana officials are trying to block nearly 45,000 black citizens from voting.

: Trump-supporting Ohio sheriff retweets #WhiteGenocide post, says he didn’t notice the source.

: Alex Jones says he’s not anti-Semitic, but says those Jews sure run a nasty conspiracy against Trump.

: Trump campaign manager Bannon to attend anti-Muslim convention organized by Horowitz.

: Hate groups crawling out of the shadows in northeastern Florida.

: White supremacist hate site targets Massachusetts House judicial nominee hearing.

: On Breitbart, ex-Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling equates Black Lives Matter with Nazis and the KKK.

: Federal judge dismisses juror in Malheur standoff trial for ‘good cause’ after BLM employment revealed.

: ‘We’re your neighbors,’ says cofounder of ‘Three Percent’ militia patrolling Arizona border.

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