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Hatewatch Headlines 10/11/2016

Why racism is bubbling up now; White nationalists eye Trump presidency; How the Alt-Right rose from the fringe; and more.

: Why so much blatant racism is bubbling to the surface.

: Hillary and Obama are both believed to be demons, Alex Jones informs his audience.

: White nationalists see opportunity to pack a Trump administration, since ‘We are the new GOP!’

: Student whose attorney cited Trump as inspiration pleads guilty to hate crime assault.

: How the Alt-Right grew from an obscure racist cabal on the Internet to a real-life white supremacist revival.

: A Virginia college professor is in hot water after comparing Black Lives Matter to the KKK.

: Alt-Right trolls are feuding over whether they should prove their whiteness with DNA testing.

: Veteran posts ‘Identity Evropa’ signs at college campuses, telling whites to ‘be great again.’

: University students receive white supremacist mailing urging them to vote for Trump.

: White artist ‘kidnaps’ Rosa Parks’ Detroit home, saving it from demolition.

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