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Hatewatch Headlines 8/22/2016

The lasting damage of Donald Trump; Milo rakes in donations, gives zip; Arpaio referred for criminal prosecution; and more.

: How can America recover from Donald Trump and his message of hate and paranoia?

: Donald Trump has a close relationship with the FEMA camps crowd.

: Trump to black voters: ‘What the hell do you have to lose?’

: White ‘racialists’ are pleased with Trump’s embrace of the ‘alt right.’

: Trump adviser responds to criticism of black outreach speech by suggesting ‘a backdrop with a burning car.’

: Trump’s dystopian TV ad cites virulent anti-immigrant group’s attacks on Obama actions.

: Ex-Breitbart staffer says Steve Bannon ran meetings that sounded like white supremacists talking.

: Hedge-fund CEO who was behind Trump campaign makeover previously masterminded ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ smear.

: Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos takes $100,000 for charity, gives $0.

: 'White Lives Matter' protest outside of Houston NAACP offices creates tension.

: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, referred by federal judge for criminal prosecution, could face prison time.

: Senate candidate from New York accused of anti-Muslim bigotry fires back at ‘political correctness.’

: Community takes action after racial slurs spray-painted on home of Tenino family.

: Tuscaloosa man reportedly beaten up by three men who repeatedly asked if he was gay.

: Neo-Nazi affiliation is hard to shake, as Glen Keith Allen now knows.

: David Duke says gun shows are ‘a great place to meet people of our stripe.’

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