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Hatewatch Headlines 3/24/2016

Trump voters fear losing out to minorities; Simcox drops plans to cross-examine girls; Ellison calls out Cruz for Gaffney ties; and more.

: Whites ‘losing out’ to minorities, a majority of Donald Trump’s voters say.

: Trump says Muslims are not doing enough to prevent terrorist attacks.

: Burns police investigating co-founder of Harney ‘Patriot’ group in ‘domestic situation.’

: Ex-Minuteman leader Chris Simcox drops his bid to personally cross-examine child victims in molestation trial.

: Two teens arrested for hate-crime vandalization of Hispanic man’s car with feces, ‘Trump’ graffiti.

: Transgender women face sexual abuse and humiliation once they arrive in U.S., study finds.

: NumbersUSA leader claims Democrats want to bring in immigrants so they can vote illegally.

: Disney, Marvel to boycott Georgia if anti-LGBT ‘religious liberty’ legislation is passed.

: Rep. Keith Ellison calls out Ted Cruz’s reliance on anti-Muslim hate-group leader Frank Gaffney.

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