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Hatewatch Headlines 2/3/2016

Finicum’s death remains in dispute; Cruz’s victory paved with extremists’ help; White nationalists sticking with Trump; and more.

: Woman who was in car with LaVoy Finicum insists he wasn’t reaching for a gun even after viewing video.

: Billy Graham’s son Franklin speaks to Oregon standoff holdouts, won’t say if he’s helping negotiations.

: Oregon judge rejects Cliven Bundy’s demands, says he ‘thinks he owns the refuge.’

: Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses on the backs of the most radical Bible-thumpers in the business.

: White nationalist supporters are undeterred by Donald Trump’s Iowa loss, say they won’t switch.

: Megyn Kelly brings on hate-group leader Tony Perkins to laud Cruz’s victory in Iowa.

: Tampa man with ‘anti-government’ views arrested after authorities find cache of weapons, bombs.

: Anti-Muslim flyers circulating in suburbs aimed at fighting plans to turn old church into new mosque.

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