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Hatewatch Headlines 12/15/2015

Trump’s brings conspiracy theories to the mainstream; ‘III Percenters’ begin targeting Muslims; Sandy Hook ‘truthers’ make life hell for parents; and more.

: Donald Trump picks fellow conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root to emcee Nevada rally.

: Thanks to Trump, far-right conspiracy theories are now part of the mainstream conversation.

: Antigovernment ‘III Percenters,’ known for armed resistance to government, turn their focus to Muslims.

: United Nations officials say they’re ‘sickened’ by public hatred against Muslims following terrorist acts.

: Minnesota man being sought on charges he threw firebomb through window of Somali restaurant.

: Confederate flag-waving Maryland man faces charges after conducting harassment campaign against black neighbor.

: Oregon is the latest target of the right-wing campaign to do away with national forests.

: Meet the ill-informed SeaWorld employee who wants to head the ‘gays for Trump’ movement.

: Taking on the Sandy Hook ‘truthers,’ who accuse bereaved parents of perpetrating a hoax.

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