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Hatewatch Headlines 12/4/2015

Airplane ‘terrorist’ has a breast pump; Trump speech to Jews a string of stereotypes; Nugent wants to ‘cleanse’ the nation of liberals; and more.

: Sikh woman on airplane forced to show breast pump after fellow passenger suspects she might be a terrorist.

: Donald Trump’s speech to Jewish Republicans devolves into a series of offensive stereotypes.

: Trump and Alex Jones turn out to be a match made in wingnut hell.

: Ted Nugent says it’s time to ‘cleanse this country’ of liberals who want everyone ‘bending over and taking it in the ass.’

: Fox News’ Steve Doocy praises group of armed civilians patrolling the Arizona border in interview with leader.

: Fox News contributor says she goes to tanning salon to combat her white privilege.

: Did clinic defenders spot Robert Dear picketing Planned Parenthood before shooting?

: Republican legislator sends Christmas card to colleagues chiding them for Confederate flag ‘betrayal.’

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