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Hatewatch Headlines 11/30/2015

Whiteness and the Colorado shooter; Cable TV falls down covering BLM shooting; Texas mosque protester shares addresses; and more.

: Did ‘whiteness’ save the life of the alleged Planned Parenthood shooter in Colorado?

: How cable news covered white supremacists allegedly shooting Black Lives Matters protesters – or rather, didn’t.

: Armed Texas mosque protester shares home addresses of local Muslims.

: Is racism on the rise? More and in U.S. say it’s a ‘big problem,’ poll finds.

: Donald Trump embraces “Truther” conspiracy website to support his false claims about 9/11.

: Influential Texas Republican wants a statewide vote on seceding from the United States.

: Militiamen’s argument over worldviews escalates to gunplay, murder.

: Kansas foster care committee considers controversial anti-LGBT ‘research’ in setting placement policies.

: Frenzied pastor shouts ‘n----- f------’ at ‘Love Not Hate’ protesters outside his New York church.

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