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Hatewatch Headlines 11/24/2015

White supremacists fire on black protesters; Dallas gays being terrorized by assaults; Backlash may loom on gay rights; and more.

: White supremacists fire on Black Lives Matter protesters, wounding five.

: Black Lives Matter heckler beaten at Donald Trump rally tells his side of the story.

: That racist tweet from Trump about blacks isn’t just false – it’s neo-Nazi propaganda.

: Anti-gay assailants continue to terrorize Dallas, smash skull of 12th victim in three months.

: Phyllis Schlafly wants to see ‘railroad cars full of illegals going south.’

: Student at Lewis and Clark College describes racial attack by three white men.

: LGBT leaders warn of looming right-wing backlash against gay-rights advances.

: Drug case nets 54 people associated with white-supremacist groups.

: Core member of Pendleton white-supremacist gang goes to prison for eight years.

: Meet the little-known anti-LGBT hate group responsible for making Kim Davis a right-wing superstar.

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