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Hatewatch Headlines 10/16/2015

Hate crime on Davis campus; White-power music’s new face; White nationalist resurfaces as Montana candidate; and more.

: Tires slashed, religious slurs etched on cars in UC Davis hate crime.

: White-power music has been around for years, but now it’s reaching a new audience.

Think Progress: Mike Huckabee says the poor should be sold into slavery for stealing.

: Ku Klux Klan recruitment literature found scattered around Providence neighborhood.

: Iowa educator tells mixed-race kids that blacks are too stupid to go to school or live with whites.

: White nationalist Taylor Rose resurfaces in Montana as a legislative candidate from Flathead district.

: What Rep. Mike Ball’s Black Belt victim-bashing comments prove he doesn’t get.

: Lehigh Valley meeting on helping Syrian refugees draws Tea Party concerns about terrorism.

: Huckabee shills for anti-LGBT hate group’s radio network.

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