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Hatewatch Headlines 6/30/15

: How 4chan’s trolling culture helped give birth to the racist and neo-fascist sites where Dylann Roof lurked.

: A look at how white supremacists have infiltrated the U.S. military, and why that spells serious trouble.

: Ku Klux Klan plans to hold rally in defense of Confederate flag at South Carolina statehouse.

: They’re still fighting the Civil War – and they’re still lying about the Confederate flag.

: FBI investigating string of arsons of black churches in the South in the wake of the Charleston shootings.

: Alabama Supreme Court appears to try circumventing high court’s gay-marriage ruling by ordering judges cease issuing licenses.

: Sen. Rand Paul meets with Cliven Bundy during Nevada campaign stop.

: Bystanders laugh as parade of vehicles bearing Confederate flags in Georgia town ends in traffic wreck.

: CNN demonstrates how not to interview an anti-LGBT hate group about marriage equality.

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