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Hatewatch Headlines 5/18/15

: Former congressional candidate admits plotting armed militia attack, firebombing of Muslim community.

: Prominent black attorney receives death threats after removing Confederate flags from Alabama city property.

: ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½â€™s Mark Potok warns Alaska Bar Association that influence of extremists is growing.

: On Hannity panel, guest claims Obama is ‘the reincarnation of Woodrow Wilson’ and his Klan-friendly policies.

: Neighbors upset with Phoenix man who insists on flying white-supremacist ‘Creativity’ flag on front porch.

: Rep. Steve King claims there’s no anti-Muslim discrimination in America.

: End-times fanatic who blamed California drought on gays addresses state GOP caucus meeting.

: Duke University professor stands behind his controversial comments on race in reply to NYT op-ed.

: Almost half of U.S. voters are concerned about the Jade Helm military exercise – but why?

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