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Satellite Feed Drops Stormfront and David Duke Radio

This past Thursday, both “ Radio” and neo-Nazi David Duke’s radio program were dropped by their satellite provider.

On his radio broadcast yesterday, former Klan leader , the host of “Stormfront Radio,” confirmed that his satellite access had been cancelled and blamed that cancellation on “Jewish supremacists.”

The cancellation comes in the wake of a major Southern Poverty Law Center of “Stormfront Radio,” which documented the program’s extensive anti-Semitism and racism. The ĂŰĚŇ´«Ă˝â€™s report also revealed that the show was being streamed into Europe via a French-owned satellite, Hot Bird 13A. That satellite is owned by Eutelsat, a Paris-based corporation.

The ĂŰĚŇ´«Ă˝ contacted Eutelsat to ask them whether their broadcast of hate radio into Europe might not violate various European countries’ hate speech laws. The company told ĂŰĚŇ´«Ă˝ that it was investigating and, soon after, the satellite contract was apparently dropped.

The American company that worked as the middleman (or reseller) with Eutelsat to put Don Black’s material onto the Hot Bird is Global Star Radio Network (GSR), based in Orrtanna, Pa., and owned by Todd Waite. As of today, GSR’s website is Stormfront Radio or David Duke’s show as part of its programming, though both shows were listed yesterday. In addition, Hot Bird 13A is no longer as one of GSR’s satellites. When called, Todd Waite refused to comment on the record about what exactly had happened.

Though Waite has apparently let Black and Duke go, he has not dropped Jeff Rense’s program. Both Black and Duke’s shows are part of the Rense Radio Network and their archives are stored there as of today (formerly they were on GSR). Rense has frequently interviewed anti-Semites on his program including both Black and Duke and Holocaust deniers and . On air yesterday, Black said he had the “complete support of Jeff Rense.”

GSR continues to run radical right programming, but apparently no longer in Europe because it lost the Hot Bird and now only has , which is owned by , a company based in Luxembourg. Besides Rense, other GSR programming includes Scriptures for America, the racist ministry of now deceased preacher , and conspiracy theorist program. Luxembourg has , but is unclear if they apply to materials broadcast on Galaxy 19 into North America.

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