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Hatewatch Headlines 4/7/15

: Black activist explains what white people don’t get about race after reporter shares racial slur horror story.

: The story of a baker who refused to bake an anti-gay cake, and why that isn’t religious discrimination.

: A gun lover sees the dark side of gun culture, with its white supremacists and Obama haters.

: Ku Klux Klan group makes appearance in Maysville, then moves on to two other communities.

: Bill O’Reilly compares anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people to forcing a black guest to attend KKK meeting.

: Black activist faces charges of ‘lynching’ for her protest activities.

: Man charged in alleged kidnapping, freeway chase has apparent ties to white supremacist prison gang.

: Michael Savage warns that President Obama is inciting ‘the white man’ to revolt with his policies.

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