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Hatewatch Headlines 3/25/15

‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson imagines vivid rape and murder scenario for atheist family.

: ‘White genocide’ signs popping up around Asheville, leaving residents confused.

: Heritage Foundation event defends ‘ex-gay therapy’ as sound science, claims limit harm young people.

: Texas racists break into black student’s home, terrorize her with threats of lynching.

: How Nevada’s Cliven Bundy faction plans to eradicate the BLM in Nevada.

: Two Aryan Brotherhood members arrested in drug raid.

: Humane Society of the U.S. president Wayne Pacelle cultivate ties with virulent anti-LGBT pastor.

: FBI publishes manual on how law enforcement can deal with hate crimes.

: Conservative pundit Erick Erickson leading campaign for draconian anti-LGBT law in Georgia.

: Suspect in beating of gay man says he feared man would reveal his bisexuality.

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