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Hatewatch Headlines 3/9/15

: Ku Klux Klan flyers left at Selma homes on 50th anniversary of ‘Bloody Sunday.’

: Billboard honoring KKK founder erected near Pettus Bridge in time for Selma march anniversary.

: Scott Lively warns that homosexuality is ‘worse than murder and worse than genocide.’

: If you think ‘reverse racism’ is worse than what blacks face, read the Ferguson report.

: Oklahoma fraternity investigated after video showing racist sing-along goes viral.

: Right-wingers’ secession threats are how they fight tooth and nail on the wrong side of history.

: Milwaukee sheriff compares a Harlem without cops to Nigerian massacres by Boko Haram.

: Louis Farrakhan tells followers that Jews ‘played key roles’ in 9/11 attacks.

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