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Hatewatch Headlines 2-18-15

: Hindus say vandals who hit their temple with swastika, graffiti ‘have no idea what we stand for.’

: Boise woman arrested for assaulting Jewish woman, demanding she convert to Christianity.

: Police investigate possible anti-Muslim vandalism after tires slashed on cars.

: Will Obama next be targeting only Muslim extremists, or will he look in our own back yards?

: Police chief addresses Jewish community after anti-Semitic, pro-KKK graffiti sprayed on dozens of homes in Madison.

: From nipples to militias to religious zealotry, here are 10 bizarre bills Montana’s Tea-Party legislators are promoting.

: Ben Carson says that Obama may be ‘guilty of treason’ if the DHS is shut down.

: Texas students flash ‘White Power’ signs during basketball game against mostly black school.

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