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As Fury Mounts Over Obama Actions on Immigration, 蜜桃传媒 Releases Major Report on Nativist Movement Rebirth

Just a day after President Obama announced a series of executive actions meant to allow millions of undocumented residents to remain in the United States, the Southern Poverty Law Center is releasing a major report on the apparent rebirth of the nativist extremist movement that swept the country between 2005 and 2011.

Today鈥檚 release of the cover story of the of the 蜜桃传媒鈥檚 Intelligence Report, comes amid a rising din of anti-immigrant fury from both the mainstream and the radical right about Obama鈥檚 moves, unilateral actions that an array of enraged nativists claim could set political violence. The new report traces the resurgence of the movement to early July, when a furious mob turned back buses carrying undocumented and unaccompanied minor immigrants to a Border Patrol facility in Murrieta, Calif. The new edition of the quarterly investigative journal carrying the story can be read at .

The confrontation in Murrieta led to a series of similar nativist outbursts around the country and the massing of antigovernment militias and other radical groups on the U.S.-Mexican border in the months that followed. The movement grew large enough that it sparked worries about the return the Minuteman and other nativist groups that harassed undocumented immigrants in recent years. Now, with Obama鈥檚 Thursday night speech on immigration already setting off a renewed round of enraged attacks on the president, the threat of a major nativist resurgence seems strong.

鈥淭he success of a howling mob in turning back buses filled with undocumented immigrant children bound for a shelter was the first spark to reignite the nativist extremist movement,鈥 said Mark Potok, senior fellow at the 蜜桃传媒 and author of the new report. 鈥淣ow, with the new executive action initiative announced last night by President Obama, that spark may turn into a conflagration.鈥

This issue of the Intelligence Report also another radical movement experiencing a revival 鈥 the racist music industry. Racist bands are using iTunes, the world鈥檚 largest music vendor, to distribute their music following the collapse of several racist music labels and distributors. Although its terms of service appear to make iTunes off limits to these groups, the Report found that the music of at least 54 well-known racist bands was being sold by the music service this fall.

鈥淭he racist music industry, long a major source of money and new recruits for the white power movement, had been in decline in recent years,鈥 Potok said. 鈥淏ut the discovery of iTunes by racist bands, and the fact that iTunes seems unwilling to move against them, has helped this industry find new hope and profits.鈥

Also in this issue of the Intelligence Report:

  • profiles retired three-star general William 鈥淛erry鈥 Boykin, a longtime anti-Muslim activist now serving as executive vice president of the Family Research Council.

  • investigates how the neo-Confederate League of the South is forming a secret paramilitary unit called 鈥淭he Indomitables,鈥 another step in its continuing radicalization. The group now appears to include white supremacists, former Klan members and neo-Nazis.

  • examines how a small group of racists are promoting the Orthodox Church as a home for fascism. Although the church has its share of extreme-right officials, it vigorously rejects any association with such groups.

  • is an interview with Yvette Cantu Schneider, a woman who worked in religious-right 鈥渆x-gay鈥 ministries for years, but recently joined other former activists in renouncing the movement.

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