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Ted Nugent Supports Former Arizona Sheriff Mack’s Organization of ‘Constitutional Sheriffs’  

Ted Nugent, who has earned a reputation as a racist after calling President Obama a “chimpanzee” and mocking “unclean dipshit Native Americans” for cancelling his shows, is now a dues paying member of the.

In a Facebook message to his followers yesterday, the self-professed “Motor City Madman” wrote:

The CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFF'S and POLICEMEN ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA is a great patriotic group of which I am proud to be a life member, and would be great for all good Americans to join. This hardcore org is not just for law enforcement but for concerned citizens as well. Afterall WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be in charge of America, NOT our elected officials as it has deteriorated into. In these horrific times of rampant asbuse of power & criminal corruption at the very top, I can think of no better way for WE THE PEOPLE to make the ultimate DON'T TREAD ON ME statement to those in power. It is time for WE THE PEOPLE to take back our constitutionally guaranteed power.

The connection Nugent has with CSPOA is guns.

CSPOA is headed by former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, who was catapulted from obscurity to right-wing fame in the mid-1990s when he challenged the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and won a U.S. Supreme Court victory that weakened the gun-control law signed by President Bill Clinton. The victory earned him tremendous respect among gun rights advocates and many in the militia movement. Nugent, in addition to his music career, is also known for his strident positions on gun control. He also sits on National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors.

Mack told Hatewatch today that Nugent payed the $35 fee to become a member, and that he wasn’t too concerned about any controversy surrounding the man. And as for calling Obama a “chimpanzee"?

“I would choose a different word,” Mack said. “Mr. Obama is a communist, and I think that’s a lot worse than some of the things I’ve heard Ted call him.”

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