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Frazier Glenn Miller, Suspected Kansas Shooter, May Have Been Marking Birthday of 'Hero' Racist Serial Killer

One of the loudest and most loyal advocates for in the months before he was executed last November was in separate shootings yesterday afternoon at a Jewish community center and a Jewish retirement home in suburban Kansas City.

Yesterday, would have been Franklin’s 64th birthday.

Whether Franklin’s birthday had anything to do with the timing of Miller’s deadly shooting spree is unknown at this time. What is clear is Miller’s admiration for the racist killing machine.

On the neo-Nazi web forum Vanguard News Network (VNN) Miller, a raging anti-Semite, frequently praised Franklin, who did most of his killing from long distance and from the shadows, for his bravery.

“So far, Joseph Paul Franklin is the bravest, therefore the greatest White Nationalist hero America has ever produced,” Miller wrote, using his VNN handle “Rounder.” “His proven courage, initiative, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice everything he owned, including his life, is unequaled on this continent, in my judgment.”

Franklin, who was also a former Klansmen and neo-Nazi, was convicted of killing eight people and was suspected of killing as many as 20 unarmed men, women and children, during a three-year cross country murder spree.

Most of his victims were black men and boys. But Franklin received his only death sentence for the 1977 sniper murder of a 42-year-old white man coming out of a synagogue after a bar mitzvah in suburban St. Louis.

Miller was ridiculed by some of his VNN fellow travelers for heaping such high praise on Franklin while failing to follow his violent example.

“I gather Glenn must have been stung by VNNers’ criticism (calling them ‘anonymous p------),” Don Black, the founder of Stormfront, the largest white supremacist web forum in the world, posted hours after Miller was arrested yesterday in Overland Park, Kansas. “They had kept asking him why he didn’t follow his ‘greatest American hero.’”

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