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Wonkette Viciously Mocks Stormfront Fundraising Efforts

needs money – bad.

It’s gotten to the point that the former Ku Klux Klan leader and founder of – the largest neo-Nazi web forum – is begging for pennies. To no avail, though. With February coming to a close, Black hasn’t raised even half of the $7,500 he needs to pay his monthly bill for server space to keep Stormfront up and running.

But his panhandling hasn’t gone unnoticed.

“[I]t now looks like the once formidable clearinghouse of a------- known as Stormfront.org is suffering from a cash crunch,” said in a post last week, before offering a tongue-in-cheek explanation for why. “Apparently the vanguard of White Nationalism and Aryan Supremacy is being laid to waste by the tyrannical Jewish Conspiracy of decreased server capacity.”

Don’t worry, kids. Even racists have to tighten the old budget sometimes. Given the state of things, its not as if Black is going away.

“Their immediate future might be unsure right now,” the blog reminded readers. “[B]ut given that Don Black’s politics are almost indistinguishable from some members of the US Senate, at this point his little engine of hate is sure to keep on chugging along.”

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