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Campus Group Weighs in on South African Violence Targeting Whites

Youth for Western Civilization, an ultraconservative student group sworn to protect the West from the perils of multiculturalism, has issued a report claiming the South African government is responsible for “orchestrat[ing] the systematic slaughter of the white community.”

“The worst fears of the so called ‘radicals’ of the white minority that were discounted in the early 1990s now have come true,” YWC member Matthew Heimbach wrote Monday. “What resulted in South Africa under the communist backed African National Congress instead of a multicultural paradise has become a land in which white citizens have been placed under animalistic attacks.”

What Heimbach is referring to, in no uncertain terms, is the end of apartheid – an event celebrated around the world. But his analysis of history goes on to describe the African National Congress, a political party whose members have included Nobel Laureate Nelson Mandela, as nothing shy of a “terrorist group” intent on a scorched earth policy of white genocide.

Indeed, there is violence. Genocide Watch, an international organization that studies global genocide, has reported heavily on South Africa in recent years. In 2010, the website reported on a petition asking for the United Nations to intervene in the country.

“No doubt that the perpetrators of the crime against humanity of apartheid has [sic] become the victims of those people whom they oppressed during the years of apartheid,” the petition read.

But YWC takes that one step further. Instead of seeing the violence as an unfortunate byproduct of a complicated struggle for national unity after years of brutal division in South Africa, these Young Turks of the far right argue that multiculturalism doesn’t work –– and the violence is proof enough.

Unsurprisingly, Heimbach is no stranger to white nationalism. A member of the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS) and a student at Towson State University in Maryland, he has compared YWC’s mission as a stand against “rampant multiculturalism.” Last summer, he wrote that there was an organized network of radical Islamists “pushing for Islamic domination over Christianity and the entire Western world.” He went on to call on “Westerners” to “resist the destruction of our entire way of life.”

This article, it’s worth noting, is no different in its tone. And it comes as YWC prepares to share a platform next month with other conservative leaders at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. At last year’s CPAC, YWC held a panel discussion on the marginalization of white Americans, during which the group’s honorary chairman, former congressman Tom Tancredo, described immigration as “a dagger aimed at the heart of Western civilization.”

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