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White Supremacist David Duke to be Booted from Yet Another Country

Ex-Klan leader is to be deported from Germany, where he was last Friday while on his way to address a group of right-wing extremists.

In a statement obtained by the , German authorities say that the globetrotting white supremacist is “obliged to leave German territory without delay,” explaining that Duke is “not entitled to stay in Germany” because of a travel ban against him in an unspecified European country. This is most likely a reference to the Czech Republic, which on suspicion of denying the Holocaust, a crime in that country.

Duke, who apparently spent the weekend in jail, on Monday sent a maudlin message begging his acolytes to lend a hand. “To fight this case will cost a lot of money, time and effort,” he wrote on his website. “While most of you will be getting ready for the warmth and love and friendship and family of Christmas, I will be far from home fighting the good fight.”

He closed with a plea: “Please remember me and this sacred struggle for our people at this beautiful time of year that is such an expression of our exquisite culture and values. … If you would use this link and send something right away because you are so much needed at this time.”

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