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News Roundup for August 1, 2011

A Lecompte, La., man to 15 years in prison for shooting into the home of three Hispanic men because of their ethnicity. Johnny Mathis was accused of shooting into the home of the men with three shotgun blasts, entering the home, and only leaving as the house went up in the flames.

The IRS the tax-exempt status of Peter LaBarbera’s virulently anti-gay Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. The decision, which is not subject to appeal, was made after it was found that AFTAH had not filed the proper tax forms.

A seasoned “sovereign citizen” in Florida to stop a foreclosure on a Miami church. Jacob-Franz Dyck is claiming that the lender in the case of the foreclosed church stole the church. Dyck is notorious for having filed more than 600 fraudulent deeds in 17 Florida counties after having his dental practice shut down for running an illegal dental plan.

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