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News Roundup for June 28, 2011

White supremacist Mark Stroman will be executed in Texas next month after the U.S. Supreme Court his case.  Stroman was convicted for killing two people and shooting another in a post-9/11 revenge spree targeting people of Middle Eastern descent.

A “general” in the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas has been to life in prison for ordering the murder of a fellow gang member and his girlfriend in a dispute over a drug debt.

The state trial of sovereign citizens accused of plotting to kill several government officials may be until federal charges are resolved. The defendants are members of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia, led by . Militia members plotted a campaign of murder in the event Cox, a fugitive at the time, was captured.

A West Virginia white supremacist under investigation for possessing child pornography to have attempted to frame one of the prime investigators.  Sean Price, 34, allegedly attempted to establish an E-mail account in a police officer’s name and use it to send child pornography to other officers and the media.

Texas is shy of offering license plates emblazoned with the Confederate flag, a controversial move sponsored by the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

A Native American family in Nevada in the aftermath of a brutal attack in May by a group of skinheads. The assault led to severe injuries sustained by several members of the family. But one of the family members was arrested while the skinheads were let go. The leader of the skinheads is the son of a former police officer, and no charges have been brought against the gang.

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