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Neo-Nazi Turner Sprung From Jail, But Muzzled

Neo-Nazi talk show host arrested four months ago on charges of threatening to assault and murder three federal judges, was released on bail today in Newark, N.J.

Turner’s attorney, Michael A. Orozco, told the Hudson Reporter that his client will be under house arrest at his home in North Bergen, N.J., until his trial, which is scheduled to start Nov. 30 in Brooklyn. He is being electronically monitored and may not speak to the media or have Internet access.

Turner, 47, was on June 24 after stating on his blog that three federal appeals judges that upheld a local Chicago handgun ban “deserve to be killed.” He is accused of listing their names, addresses, phone numbers and photos in subsequent online posts.

A few weeks after his arrest, Orozco confirmed that Turner had served as a paid The Southern Poverty Law Center reported Turner’s FBI connection a year earlier.

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