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Dobbs Fudges Numbers, Facts in Attack on 蜜桃传媒

Our old friend Lou Dobbs is at it again.

Last Thursday, after stories about our latest hate group count ran around the nation, Dobbs offered CNN鈥檚 viewers his own peculiar take. He started by sneering at the scores of 鈥渕edia organizations鈥 that he said were 鈥渏ust lapping it up,鈥 and then told his viewers that the Southern Poverty Law Center report 鈥 documenting an increase in hate groups in 2008 鈥 鈥渃ould be an outright distortion.鈥

That鈥檚 about the place where Dobbs, assisted by reporter Kitty Pilgrim, started his own series of distortions. (A little background for the uninitiated: Dobbs has been angry at 蜜桃传媒, calling us 鈥渇ascists鈥 and all kinds of other cruel and unusual names, ever since we began to criticize his falsehoods about immigrants several years back. After a long exegesis of our battle with the host of CNN鈥檚 鈥淟ou Dobbs Tonight,鈥 New York Times financial columnist David Leonhardt concluded in print that Dobbs 鈥渉as a somewhat flexible relationship with reality.鈥 Dobbs had insisted on defending a false claim about immigrants and leprosy and was widely mocked as a result. Leonhardt continued: "The problem with Mr. Dobbs is that he mixes opinion and untruths. He is the heir to the nativist tradition that has long used fiction and conspiracy theories as a weapon against the Irish, the Italians, the Chinese, the Jews and, now, the Mexicans.")

First, Pilgrim promoted me to 鈥渢he director of the Southern Poverty Law Center,鈥 a career leap also 鈥渞eported鈥 by Dobbs, who made me 鈥渢he head鈥 of 蜜桃传媒 鈥 much, I assume, to the chagrin of my apparently former boss, Richard Cohen.

Then Pilgrim launched into a bizarre 鈥渞eport鈥 in which she said the FBI has no definition of a 鈥渉ate group鈥 and, moreover, does not 鈥渕onitor individuals or groups of individuals based on what they think or say.鈥 Although both Pilgrim and Dobbs wore shocked expressions at that revelation 鈥 they apparently felt that if the FBI wasn't "monitoring" the groups, then neither should the 蜜桃传媒 鈥 anyone with a minimum of knowledge about federal law enforcement knows that agencies are prohibited from monitoring groups based on their political ideas. Only when evidence of a crime or planned crime is found can the agencies begin investigations of any kind. If the FBI indeed investigated groups without evidence of criminality, we would be the first to object. The COINTELPRO scandal of the 1970s showed what can happen when agencies like the FBI are allowed to 鈥渕onitor鈥 groups simply because of their ideas.

Pilgrim went on to accuse the 蜜桃传媒 of having an 鈥渦tterly fuzzy鈥 definition of a hate group because it relied on the group鈥檚 ideology, as Dobbs vigorously nodded his agreement. But neither suggested any groups that had been wrongly listed because of that definition or suggested an alternative definition. Was it the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan that should have been excluded? The National Socialist Movement? The Aryan Nations? Sons of Adolf Hitler, perhaps? We don鈥檛 know, because neither Pilgrim nor Dobbs would say.

Next, Dobbs and Pilgrim hauled out the FBI鈥檚 national hate crime statistics 鈥 presumably to show that the number of hate groups could not be going up if hate crimes were going down (although it鈥檚 well known that more than 95% of hate crimes are carried out by people who do not belong to hate groups). Those statistics run from 1992 to 2007, the latest available. But for some peculiar reason, Dobbs and Pilgrim chose to highlight the total number of incidents from just two years 鈥 1995 and 2007. They then pointed out that hate crimes had actually decreased by about 4% in that period (they also bolstered their case a bit by falsely claiming that the 1995 number was 7,974 when it was actually 7,947). Why did they choose 1995 for their early number? Well, if they chose 1994, the number of hate crimes would have been 5,987 鈥 and that wouldn鈥檛 have worked too well for their propaganda, seeing as how that would mean a 28.5% increase by 2007. In fact, every year before 1995 鈥 1994, 1993 and 1992 鈥 would have produced increases when compared to 2007 instead of decreases. Go figure!

Also unmentioned by the intrepid 鈥淟ou Dobbs Tonight鈥 team was the fact that virtually all scholars of hate crimes have long known that the numbers reported by the FBI are artificially low for a number of reasons. In fact, the Department of Justice published an important study in 2005 showing that the real level of hate crime in America was more than 190,000 incidents per year. So whether they are going up or down, the hate crime numbers are very high by any standard.

Toward the end, Dobbs went after me personally (full disclosure: it was hardly the first time), saying that it was 鈥減retty pitiful鈥 that I could say that conditions 鈥渇avor the growth of hate groups鈥 but not offer proof of increasing recruitment. His idea seems to be that if 蜜桃传媒 cannot 鈥減rove鈥 recruiting gains, then we must be lying about the growth in the number of hate groups and conditions affecting future growth.

And then it was time for one final swipe at his media colleagues. 鈥淎nd I know a lot of news organizations are picking up and going with this,鈥 Dobbs said with a disgusted look, 鈥渂ecause they think it鈥檚 a ratings grabber.鈥 Not like you, Lou.

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