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San Diego Minutemen Linked to White Supremacists

San Diego’s KPBS-FM, a National Public Radio affiliate, aired a Aug. 2 detailing the links between the white supremacist activities of two high-profile supporters of the San Diego Minutemen, a nativist extremist group whose bellicose tactics and internal feuding are in the current issue of the Intelligence Report.

The KPBS story revealed that San Diego Minutemen activist Ray Carney worked for 11 years as a computer expert for White Aryan Resistance, a neo-Nazi hate group lead by Tom . The story also

quotes Intelligence Project Director Mark Potok describing the white supremacist tattoos and symbols featured on a MySpace page belonging to Steven Shine, another frequent participant in San Diego Minutemen protests.

Our favorite moment in the KPBS story has Shine being interviewed by the station’s reporter “while restraining a pit-bull at a north county canyon where local Minutemen rallied to evict migrants from outdoor camps.â€

Shine took down his MySpace page shortly after the Intelligence Report story came out. But we captured it for our archives before it vanished.

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