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A stalwart on the racist speaking circuit, Lutton has connections to several hate groups, including the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens , the Holocaust-denying Institute of Historical Review, and the white nationalist journal The Occidental Quarterly . In His Own Words "We are...
A retired Michigan ophthalmologist, Tanton had white nationalist beliefs and wrote that to maintain American culture, “a European-American majority” is required. In His Own Words “I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American...
In His Own Words: “This [New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina] is a racial tale in black and white. Once again, despite the deluge of negative images of whites and positive images of blacks emanating from Hollywood, media images from the real world feed into implicit stereotypes of whites as...
Hardin used his status as a famous scientist and environmentalist to provide a veneer of intellectual and moral legitimacy for his underlying nativist agenda, serving on the board of directors of both the anti-immigrant Federation for American Immigration Reform and the white-nationalist Social...