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Paul Fromm

Paul Fromm is a Canadian neo-Nazi based in the Toronto area.

About Paul Fromm

He serves as the international director for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a direct descendent of the White Citizens Councils that rabidly opposed school desegregation in the 1950s and 1960s. He formerly hosted a daily radio show on racist web forum, . Fromm also lectures frequently in both the United States and Canada and has appeared at annual conferences hosted by the CCC and the white nationalist .

In His Own Words:
鈥淚n gay bath houses, you need a crowbar to separate the men from the boys.鈥
鈥撀犅犅犅犅 Council of Conservative Citizens conference, Greenville, S.C., June 1-2, 2007

"Given the present below-replacement White birth rate and the million plus wave of legal, mostly Third World, annual immigration, the European founding/settler people will be a minority by 2041. This is ethnic cleansing on the installment plan.",,
鈥撀犅犅犅犅 Council of Conservative Citizens conference, Winston-Salem, N.C., June 7-8, 2013

鈥淗unt them [illegal immigrants], find them, and throw their sorry asses out of the country. [We] don鈥檛 need another chop suey joint. We鈥檙e getting rejects; a collection of sleazos.鈥
鈥撀犅犅犅犅 Council of Conservative Citizens conference, Winston-Salem, N.C., June 7-8, 2013

Paul Fromm was born in Bogota, Columbia, to a devoutly Catholic family, and was raised in Etobicoke, Ontario, after his family relocated. He attended the University of Toronto鈥檚 St. Michael鈥檚 College where he earned a degree in education and a master鈥檚 degree in English.

While a student at the University of Toronto, Fromm co-founded the ultra-conservative, anti-communist Edmund Burke Society (EBS) with Don Andrews and Leigh Smith. The EBS was involved with several violent confrontations with New Left and anti-war groups, including a conflict in 1971 during a speech given by William Kunstler. Fromm was knocked unconscious after having a pitcher of water thrown in his face. In the early 1970s, he led an EBS takeover of the Ontario Social Credit Party. He was elected the party鈥檚 president in 1971, and in 1972, the group changed its name to the Western Guard (WG). Fromm, after serving as the opening speaker at a May 1972 event honoring Robert E. Miles, a Klansman and ideologue, resigned as president following a report by the Toronto Sun.

Fromm has founded several organizations, including Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform (C-FAR) in 1976 to oppose multiculturalism and aid to Third World countries. In 1981, he founded the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE ), which works against the Canadian Human Rights Commission to defend anti-Semites, racists and Holocaust deniers from persecution under hate crime and human rights legislation. These two organizations serve as Fromm鈥檚 primary platforms. Other smaller organizations founded by Fromm include the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, which aims to limit immigration and eliminate it for non-whites, and the Canadian Friends of Rhodesia, which supported the white-minority rule by Ian Smith and worked to prevent economic sanctions against South Africa in response to apartheid.

From 1974 until 1997, Fromm served as a public school teacher with the Peel Region Board of Education. He was fired from his position after speaking at several Heritage Front events, one of which fell on Hitler鈥檚 birthday. A video of the December 9, 1990, event captured Fromm, in front of a Nazi flag, speaking to a crowd shouting 鈥淪ieg Heil!,鈥 鈥渨hite power,鈥 鈥淗ail The Order!,鈥 and 鈥渘-----, n-----, n-----, out out out,鈥 while performing the Nazi salute. He also hailed John Ross Taylor, a Canadian fascist, as a 鈥渉ero.鈥澛

Fromm is the international director of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens and a fixture at the group鈥檚 events. In January 1998, for example, he attended an where a Mexican flag was burned amid anti-Mexican and anti-Asian rhetoric. The late Alabama Klan leader William Burchfield and of were also in attendance. The meeting, which took place in Cullman, Ala., demonstrated a previously unusual solidarity between anti-immigrant and white nationalist movements.

In early 2004, Fromm addressed the 鈥淚nternational Revisionist Conference,鈥 hosted by the (IHR) in Sacramento, Calif. The IHR is a holocaust-denial group. On May 29 of the same year, he was a signee of 鈥淣ew Orleans Protocol,鈥 which calls for 鈥淶ero tolerance for violence. Honourable and ethical behaviour in relations with other signatory groups. 鈥 [And] maintaining a high tone in our arguments and public presentations.鈥 The protocol brought together various racist and anti-Semitic organizations, including Duke鈥檚 (EURO) and the neo-Nazi (NA).

Fromm has frequently appeared in major media outlets. During a 2006 interview with the Mehr News Agency of Syria, he remarked that Hollywood is 鈥渃ontrolled by Zionists,鈥 and discussed 鈥渢he story of the 鈥楬olocaust鈥 鈥 [that] has allowed the Jews to acquire many billions of dollars. He also referenced the Nazi genocide as 鈥渁 religion created by the Jews for non-Jews.鈥

In 2006, Fromm, along with Terry Tremaine, the leader of the National Socialist Party of Canada, helped found the Aryan Guard (AG), a neo-Nazi organization. The group has been linked to several assaults on minorities, including the beating of a Japanese visitor by a 17-year-old member of the AG. During November 2007, Calgary police were searching for two members in connection with two bombings.

The AG was reportedly disbanded in 2009, although it claims to remain active. In March 2009, it held a rally featuring 鈥淲hite Pride Worldwide鈥 flags and up to 40 marches wearing black combat boots. As of 2009, there were at least 20 full-fledged members, with 20-30 additional associates.

At the 2007 CCC annual conference in Greenville, S.C., Fromm presented a talk entitled 鈥淭urning America Upside Down: From Karl Marx to Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama.鈥 His presentation alleged that the two Democratic frontrunners for the 2008 presidential race were a man-hating feminist and a black man raised as a Muslim. Fromm characterized America as 鈥渇eminized, de-christianized, and deracialized,鈥 eventually referring to it as 鈥淎bsurd-istan.鈥 Later that year, in a July meeting of white supremacists in Atlanta that included figures such as Klan lawyer Sam Dickson, Fromm reiterated these statements, claiming they were attempts to gain support for radical feminism and 鈥渃rypto-Moslem鈥 ideals.

During the 2008 CCC leadership conference, held on June 20-21 in Sheffield, Ala., Fromm proclaimed that white people should feel 鈥渘o more guilt.鈥 He went on to assert that Mexicans in America were planning a 鈥淩econquista鈥 and that 鈥渘umbers are everything.鈥 His plea was to ban immigration while whites built up their numbers.

On Aug. 4, 2008, Fromm was invited to participate in a segment on Fox News Network with correspondent Steve Brown about the publication of an excerpt from Mark Steyn鈥檚 America Alone that, according to accusers, amounted to hate speech against Muslims. Fromm, who almost always cloaks his extremist beliefs in free speech arguments, was identified by the network simply as a 鈥渇ree speech activist,鈥 despite openly embracing the ideology of white nationalism.

On March 21, 2009, Fromm participated in a march organized by the Aryan Guard in Calgary, Alberta. Although his white nationalist beliefs have always been thinly veiled, this march clearly demonstrated Fromm鈥檚 solidarity with the movement.

In 2010, Fromm ran for mayor of Mississauga, Ontario, on a staunch anti-immigration platform. Leading up to election day, he made homophobic and racist comments during a campaign speech. He also offered white supremacist and Holocaust-denial literature at his campaign tables.

Fromm was a speaker at the 2012 annual conference held March 16-18 in Burns, Tenn. He shared a stage with the group鈥檚 founder, as well as figures such as Richard Spencer, a white nationalist and editor of the online magazine Alternative Right; Roan Garcia-Quintana, a lifetime CCC member who was from Gov. Nikki Haley鈥檚 re-election steering committee in June 2013; and James Edwards, host of 聽The Political Cesspool, a racist radio show that has served as a platform for neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers, and a host of other extremists.聽