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November 03, 2015

The white nationalist National Policy Institute (NPI) conference in Washington, D.C, this past weekend had a familiar lineup of speakers, but NPI head Richard Spencer’s event turned out to be far different from your average radical right gathering. Spencer, a relatively young racist activist himself, was able to do something many similar groups have failed to do—attract lots of young people to his event.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
October 27, 2015

Two men, one a Klan member, tried to build a weapon to irradiate Muslims and others. They came closer than you might think.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
October 27, 2015

After a massacre in South Carolina, the Confederate battle flag came under attack — and thousands of its supporters fought back

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
October 27, 2015

The accused South Carolina terror killer represents a new kind of violent racist, a ‘lone wolf’ radicalized entirely on the Internet.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
October 27, 2015

Angelo John Gage, infamous white nationalist, is into the human potential movement — and what it can do for racists

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
October 27, 2015

The group that first attracted Dylann Roof to organized racism and may have inspired his murder of nine black South Carolinians was formed in 1985 as the modern reincarnation of the White Citizens Councils, which were set up in the 1950s and 1960s to resist the desegregation of Southern public schools.
