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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 24, 2011

A mysterious company called Silver Bullet Gun Oil has begun selling a line of products for automatic weapons that allegedly contains 13% liquefied pig fat for the express purpose of denying Muslims killed by the weapons “a place in paradise.” The oil is being pitched to soldiers and Marines deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 24, 2011

The overwhelmingly white Church of Scientology and the black supremacist Nation of Islam share more than just spaceships

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 10, 2011

With the 2012 presidential campaign season getting under way, a rising tide of experts, politicians and pundits are warning of “creeping Shariah” — the notion that any day now, the U.S. Constitution will be swept away by Islamic religious law. Never mind that it isn’t true and isn’t possible. It plays well in certain quarters.


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