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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

Three members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) group traveled to a NASCAR race in to protest the racing association's recent moves to discourage the flying of the Confederate battle flag at races.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

Jan. 12 - A federal grand jury in Dallas indicted the mother of Confederate Hammerskin member Gary Dale Stanley Jr. for allegedly threatening two women with death if they testified against her son

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

In recent months, CNN's Lou Dobbs, who hosts "Lou Dobbs Tonight" every weekday, has come under increasing attack from those who disagree with his nightly tirades against illegal immigration.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

Authorities in Utah this April added two counts of rape to the 10 felony charges already facing fugitive cult leader Warren Jeffs in Arizona.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

The British National Party (BNP), a neofascist political party that limits membership to whites, more than doubled its number of local councilors in British elections this May, shocking anti-racist leaders and the political establishment.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

Officials in St. Petersburg this spring arrested seven members of an extremist group accused of the racially motivated murders of at least six people, a fraction of the 45 people slain in such attacks in Russia since the beginning of 2005.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

Despite publicly recanting some of his most outrageous assertions, British writer and long-time Holocaust denier David Irving was sentenced to three years in an Austrian prison after pleading guilty to telling audiences that there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

Lawmakers are trying to end a Kansas anti-gay extremist's picketing

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

Quotes from Janet Parshall, Ann Coulter, Brian James...

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 11, 2006

The co-founder of the Institute for Global Prosperity, a gigantic, U.S.-based pyramid scheme that used the bizarre language and theories of tax protesters and the antigovernment "Patriot" movement, was arrested on federal warrants.


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