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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
October 25, 2006

Mientras los extremistas pregonan su retórica anti-inmigrantes a lo largo de la conflictiva frontera de Arizona, se avecina una tormenta

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 15, 2003

Neo-Nazi David Duke found many new friends — and even more buyers of his books — during his recent years in Europe.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 15, 2003

For more than a decade, authors have probed the history and ideology of David Duke, America's best-known white supremacist.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 15, 2003

A Milwaukee conspiracist says punctuation such as the colon is the key to liberty, but others say David Wynn Miller is full of it.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 15, 2003

The Sons of Confederate Veterans, a 32,000-strong organization that has been traditionally "non-political," has begun purging its non-radical members.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 15, 2003

"Heritage" leader Linda Sewell is exposed accepting a "certificate of appreciation" from the Klan after a January 2003 extremist rally.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
April 15, 2003

Early in the last century, psychologist Alfred Adler broke with Sigmund Freud, declaring that people's behavior is driven largely by their need to belong. In October 2001, 18-year-old Darren Neil Grueber Jr. provided grisly confirmation of Adler's theory.


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